Thursday, February 25, 2021


 About 6 months ago I got myself an electric skateboard. I was really excited because I already had one but the one I had was a beginner board meaning its max speed was only 14mph and it was more of a go around your neighborhood board since the battery didn't last much either. So the new board I got about 6months ago is completely different this one can go up to 34mph and the battery can last around 8 miles so I can use it as transportation. Well, when I first got it I was enjoying the speed I mean it's the first time I've been on a board that can reach 34mph so I would always be going around pretty fast until one day boy o boy did I learn to not always go fast. I went out with my friend Alexis to In-n-out and on the way, I was going pretty fast most of the time, I would stay in between 8-28 mph until I learned my lesson. We were going down a street with no stop signs so I thought man I can go as fast as I want but I never been on that road so I didn't know if there were speed bumps or uneven roads so while I was going 23mph my board went over a mini speed bump and that mess me up I wobbled and got sent forwards I landed on my hands since had important items in my backpack. Once I stood up I cleaned myself off and noticed my jeans were ripped from the knee and my hands were badly scraped my palm was bleeding on my left hand. After that, I haven't gone fast in every street unless I know the street is safe and smooth.

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