Today I learned the name for an iconic effect used in photos, Im talking about the Ken burn effect which is where you add movement to still images by zooming in slowly into different parts of the image or just moving around throug different areas of the photo. I never knew the official name for this effect I would see it being used in like slideshows of images or in videos whene someone is explaining something on an image they use the Ken burn effect.
Dael's Videography Life
Friday, October 8, 2021
Thursday, October 7, 2021
I never knew I had a real passion for photography and videogrpahy as I do now but I think the reason is because I never had the freedom to do it. You see being in school or class it causes you to get distracted by all the work they give you but now thanks to OSLA I found my passion for photography. In OSLA I get the freedom to actually learn and work on my interest which for me is photography I also already did 3 photoshoots where I actually got paid for my work, if I were to have been in normal class this year I don't think I would have gotten these opportunities I'm getting now in OSLA. It all started with just a phone camera now slowly moving our way up to a real good professional camera.
I HAVE A DREAM.... well a lot of dreams actually and I enjoy every single one of them. Half the time my dreams are about my interest which is photography/videography but if it's not that it is random things I don't even know about. I have a huge interest in photography it's the one thing I never get tired of and love doing, everyday I wake up I check my emails and social media since that's where I usually get contacted in. I spend most of the day learning different photography skills then the other half I'm out trying those skills or just taking photos of anything interesting out in the street also known as Street photography, by the time I get home it's already 8 or 9 and editing takes usually 20 min each picture adding all of that up I'd say I spend around 40 hours in my interests which is really good I'm hoping to make the number around 46 or 50 but only if I'm working professionally. Now back to dreams, I read two different poems with the perspective of each writer, they were called Poe & Hughes. I really enjoyed poes perspective especially compared to Hughes's, Why? Well I like what Poe said which is "dream within a dream" Days go by a lot of people don't think about what day do night and day they live and flow through everything like a dream as they lay to rest and fall into a deep sleep they start to dream withing a dream.
I was one of the persons that typed an "Okay" in our declaration but I had a reason too, You see as i read through our declaration I noticed it was almost perfect I say almost because nothing is perfect but all the input my members gave in the declaration was excellent for me it's like they took the words out of my mouth so I really didn't want to mess anything up by adding forced opinions.
Today was the first time I really took the time to look up the word transient, I always hear this word being used around in shows or in person but I never really paid attention to how it was being used or what its actual meaning is. After looking around I got an understanding that the word means stationary or in simple words someone or something that can't stay in a single place, now what would it mean for our declaration? Well I'm my understanding is right it just means our declaration can keep changing as time goes on we can decide at anytime to change it.
Today I learned the name for an iconic effect used in photos, Im talking about the Ken burn effect which is where you add movement to still ...