Thursday, October 7, 2021


         I HAVE A DREAM.... well a lot of dreams actually and I enjoy every single one of them. Half the time my dreams are about my interest which is photography/videography but if it's not that it is random things I don't even know about. I have a huge interest in photography it's the one thing I never get tired of and love doing, everyday I wake up I check my emails and social media since that's where I usually get contacted in. I spend most of the day learning different photography skills then the other half I'm out trying those skills or just taking photos of anything interesting out in the street also known as Street photography, by the time I get home it's already 8 or 9 and editing takes usually 20 min each picture adding all of that up I'd say I spend around 40 hours in my interests which is really good I'm hoping to make the number around 46 or 50 but only if I'm working professionally. Now back to dreams, I read two different poems with the perspective of each writer, they were called  Poe & Hughes. I really enjoyed poes perspective especially compared to Hughes's, Why? Well I like what Poe said which is "dream within a dream" Days go by a lot of people don't think about what day do night and day they live and flow through everything like a dream as they lay to rest and fall into a deep sleep they start to dream withing a dream.


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Today I learned the name for an iconic effect used in photos, Im talking about the Ken burn effect which is where you add movement to still ...